I am Michelle or as I prefer to be called Mommy Michelle. I adore anyone special who needs Mommy and respects how special Mommy is. I specialize in AB/DL but I also enjoy playing auntie and sexy teacher. Mommy can be very gentle to her sweet charges but she also is not afraid to use a firm hand to keep them in line and make them respectful.
I love being worshipped and jerked off to. I love dedicated babies and sweeties who are committed to Mommy. They understand that Mother's Day and Mommy's Birthday as well as all major holidays are special times for Mommy. As a reward to those who treat Mommy special, Mommy Michelle has a Member's Only Area.
Some of my favorite roleplays include: Adult Baby, Infantilism, coed, Nursing, Age Regression, Bath Time, taboo family roleplays, Diaper Changing, Feeding Time, Spanking, Naughty Auntie, Nasty Neighbor ………….. and sooooo many more.
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