Back in my day, it was really quite a scandal to be a woman labeled as a cheater. This surely kept a lot of proper ladies in line and even some naughty ones who feared the repercussions of such scandalous behavior. That is not to say that it didn’t go on. Plenty of gals were getting their afternoon kicks with the handyman or gardener or whoever it might be that was available during the day while dear husband was at work. Certainly, things are very different today and it’s almost a given that married folks cheat on each other. Cheating wife phone sex is a testament to how popular it is. Everyone loves a dirty whore unless it’s their own wife. Well, that’s not entirely true, is it? Some men do not have a lot of say in the matter as they are not man enough on their own to satisfy their wife and keep her in line. They often find it arousing to be submissive to their powerful wife and bow to the power she exudes when she takes steps to satisfy her own desires.
Was your beloved Dottie a cheater? Goodness, I bet you are wondering. Do you think I was? Look at me now, a dirty old lady messing around with anyone and everyone. Yes, I did entertain men that weren’t my husband. I was no shrinking flower about it, I guarantee that. No sneaking around for me, why bother? I have always been somewhat ahead of my time, I’d say. Oh, I felt plenty guilty the first time I fucked around outside my marriage, but it was fleeting. The pleasure certainly outweighed any feelings of impropriety I may have had. You see, my dear husband was just not enough man for me. He was kind and gentle and a good provider, but he was severely lacking in sexual prowess and endowment. It wasn’t long before he found out about my extracurricular activities. He took right to it though, and it opened doors for him that were otherwise closed, if you know what I mean. So yes, cheating wife phone sex is near and dear to my heart.
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