Hey there guys! I have been so busy lately getting things ready for the end of the school year…Lots of studying and with the studying comes lots of cock LMAO. You might be asking me how studying has anything to do with cock..WELL.. lemme tell you!!
I love to study with the hot guys of alpha gamma pii and lemme tell you not only are they HOT HOT HOT but they have big cocks as well! You know, the hot guy type with tons of muscles that never end and a cock that never stops fucking HEHE, sex lasts FOREVER!
So it starts out as him asking me test questions and of course I answer ~BUT~ when I answer wrong I have to take something off and when I answer something right I get to keep it on. Well as much as I love school and want to excel I have to admit that I did answer some questions wrong on purpose just so I could take something off. I mean…..who wouldn’t…right? I started by taking my shoes off, my shirt off, my pants off, my socks off, blah blah blah and then I was completely naked! So now when I answer a question wrong I have to do sexual favors. Mmmm I know you love where this is going! First came a blow job, then licking his ass hole a little, then he ate my pussy…WOW lots or wrong answers LOL. WOW I really am going to have to study more.
Come a study with me boys! I’m here and waiting for your call :D.