What could be fucking easier than humiliating your stupid ass. I mean what do you expect when you call me and tell me that your dick rivals your thumb as far as length and girth. And I always ask the stupid losers a few more humiliating questions. Like are they a fat bastard because not only do you have a small penis but you allow yourself to be a slob too. Way to be a lazy loser.
Then I move on to asking you questions that are harsh but ha, sorry stupid, sometimes the truth hurts. These will be questions like when was the last time you got laid…. ha.. like that shrimp dick could actually lay something but it is always a long fucking time. Then I ask if a girl has ever asked if it was in. You always sound so humiliated that it cracks me up. And well stupid, my amusement is all you are good for so suck it up!!
Mistress Marissa