How small?
*dies laughing*
Do I really have to say that you have a pathetic penis??
But let’s dig a bit deeper……..
– when was the last time you had sex? Why is this always FOREVER ago?
– have you come close — because if you have not come close to getting laid then you have more pathetic problems than just penis size. Because THINK about it my pathetic worm. How would a girl know you had a small shrimp dick if you never got to the point of her coming close to you.
This is the part where I start to examine all the other things that make you a loser. Because let’s have some HONESTY here, there are a BUNCH of things that are keeping you from getting girls. If you were getting them and they were running for the hills once you took your pants off, then it would just be your dick. So obviously you are a loser in general to.
I had a long call with J today who I went into thorough details about all the things that make him a loser. I hope he left feeling like the pathetic worthless worm that he is!
Mistress Marissa