Directed Masturbation Phonesex

Hey Baby ~~~

What is that fantasy that makes you the hottest? Share itwith me. Tell me what erotic or taboo thoughts run through your mind when you are alone. Share your secrets with me. I won’t tell. I won’t reveal you. Not in a bad way. I’ll let your phonesex fantasy take root and bloom. I’ll be the star. I’ll be the narrator. I’ll be whatever you need Baby.

Directed Masturbation phonesex? Oh yes. Kinky. Titillating. Erotic. Sensual. All of that. Let your fantasy run wild and there will be no limits but the ones have and perhaps even those will metl away under my confident touch. Perhaps you may find out something about your sexual self you never knew.

Understand this Baby. That hot phonesex does not just have to be about moaning or talking dirty ~~~ It can be about erotic self discovery as well as pleasure. It can be taboo phonesex or sensual phonesex or both. It is what we make it. And Baby ~~~ I would love to make it with you.

Call. You will not regret it.

~~~ Cher ~~~

~~~ 1 888 662 6482 ~~~

~~~ AIM: GetWithCher ~~~

Phone Sex : Quality Phonesex Lines