There are many different levels to the mind control fetish. Ever since I was a little girl… I’ve been interested. That’s why I started exploring erotic hypnosis. I don’t necessarily do it to take you on an erotic trip… I do it because I enjoy the power trip… and today I had a WONDERFUL call that involved mind control… 30 minutes of me hypnotizing some man’s girlfriend into her believing she was a super hero like Super Girl.
I dressed her in a latex skirt that was US, Glory Blue… I dressed her in a white top with a star over each breast… and I put her in 4 inch red platform boots that strapped all the way up her calves. I… being the arch nemesis… being the villain… I dressed in black liquid latex from head to toe… with a platinum belly chain… Black cat-like eye shadow… and a prowling nature that was seductive enough to make most men cream their boxers…
So if you, too, want to explore with some SUPERHERO fantasies or roleplays.. call me, IM me, anything!
1-888-662-6482 – ask for Mallory…
or IM me: EntracedByMe on AOL 🙂
Mind Control : Erotic Hypnosis : Superhero Erotic Stories