If I want to do it, I have to be the best, and I have always excelled at being a total party girl. Nightclubbing and bar hopping are my favorite ways to enjoy my weekend. Once I get in the club it is my goal to completely control the scene….of course I have every guy by the balls the moment I enter the door. A few seconds after entering, all eyes are on me and a loser has already sent a drink my way… I know this will be a great night. Forced Intoxication phonesex is only a private party, but it gives us the ability to explore all of your naughty addictions in a way few have explored. Give me all control…we both know your grasp over it was hanging by a thread. You’ve been dying to give in to have a taste of what it would feel like to be wreckless and completely unabashed. As a forced intox mistress I always have your desire for destruction in the back of my mind, but we have other dark places to visit first. Once all of your defenses are down, your cock is hard are your mind is cloudy. It will be easy to extract whatever information I want from your lips. No inhibitions and your desire to share with anyone that will listen to your perverse needs make this the easiest task. Getting wasted alone is no fun, but drinking while stoking and enjoying a kinky phonesex session with a dominant Goddess is totally the best party you have access to boy. When coming to my party bring favors, I will know how to use and abuse them… all you have to do is follow my commands. XO MJ
aim: amusemaryjane / yim: magicalmaryjane