19 Teen Phone Sex

Hiya, pervy boys! This schoolgirl princess has been enjoying the hell out of summer break. Warm weather and hotties? What more could you want? Duh!

I’ve been spending a lot of time out by the pool at my apartment. A couple of my sorority sisters live in the same complex as me, and every day, we go outside in our sexxxy bikinis to tan. The boys love it when this coed phone sex girl gets tanning lotion slathered all over her by her hot friends!

Yeah, and while we lay out around the pool, dudes are always staring, and sometimes, one might get up the nerve to come talk to us. It’s way fun to watch them behind my sunglasses, too! It’s like I’m putting them through this sort of self-inflicted tease and denial ’cause they can’t decide if they should come talk to me and my girls or not, LOLOLOL!

When they do get up the nerve to talk to us, it’s really easy to make them do whatever we want. All we have to do is, like, just smile at them while they stare at our hot little bodies, and they’ll do ANYTHING for us!!!! It’s kinda like being a bratty 19 teen phone sex girl! The guys by the pool will do anything to please me, just like y’all will!

I mean, I totally know that’s all y’all think about. Me and my hot little body teasing you, and you doing everything I want. So pick up your phone and call this young voice phone sex coed at 1*888*662*6482! Be sure to ask for me, Kylie!

AIM: kyliecutie89
Yahoo: kyliecutie8989

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