So I had a call from K last night and I couldn’t for the life of me remember what we talked about on the phone the previous time and he sounded so vanilla and innocent, I wondered if he had the wrong girl. Cause well, I don’t think I have ever been innocent and I am not into vanilla. So he just laughed and told me it would come to me as we got going and we started talking about going out. I was like “hmmmm….. wonder where this is going”. Well where it went was right into a glory hole and deja vu starting hitting me and I knew EXACTLY who K was and all the dirty things I could make him do. He started talking about gangbangs and I was like , ok, at least it will be kinda fun but then I realized that he would be the slutty star of the gangbang and I got WAY INTO IT.
I love getting to know the boys I have phone sex with and I usually remember them no problem so I was embarassed that I just blanked on his dirty pervert little sissy self. I totally love all the nasty little sissy faggot things that he does and sissy faggot phone sex with him is way hot.