I recognize this familiar throbbing between my own legs. It happens every time I think about using a strap on. I begin letting my fingers wrap around the true to life, stiff form of the large strap on cock. My fingers trace it as I listen to my bitch breath anxiously. My bitch is kneeling onthe ground, his hands behind his head and his face touching the floor, ready to accept whatever I have for him. He is so vunerable there. And I know that all he can do is hear me, and wonder, I made sure the blindfold was good and tight this time. Soon he will feel the tassled flogger against his skin.. and thank his mistress before begging for my strap on. Sensual Domination phone sex, Strap on phone sex, sph, what other deviant cravings do you have?
AIM BBCPrincessCindy YIM CockPrincessCindy