What? I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just havin’ some fun. What’s wrong with that? I like how the boys look at me. I like it even more when they fuck me and make me suck their cocks. There’s nothing like it when a big strong man takes control of me and makes me do whatever he wants. I have a favorite caller who makes me do all kinds of dirty, nasty things with him. He knows I have no limits to what I’ll let him do so he really goes for it. So much hot fun I just can’t stand it! He gets down with all kinds of kinky phone sex fetishes and then of course he loves taboo phone sex too. I’m just a play thing to him. A submissive phone sex slut who will do anything he wants me to.
When you can’t get those submissive phone sex fantasies out of your head, call Bella at 1-888-662-6482 and tell me what you want. Then it will be yours. Make me cum with you!
AIM and Yahoo: bellablowsyou