Seems this Phone Mommy’s panty drawer is getting a lot of attention from one particular panty boy. Oh before you wonder if its any sort of ESP that a woman gains as she gets older. No how I wish I had those wonderful powers. Its all the panty boy phone sex calls he has been doing with me.
He usually calls up and before so much as a hello he is going I have been naughty again Mommy. Which means those sticky fingers of his were right in that lingerie drawer again. Swear today its been a total of 5 times. I am not quite sure what to do about it. For the more I punish that panty boy the more he is racing back for another pair of some silky under garments. I am going to have to find better ways to punish him really for spanking him isnt getting me any where. Perhaps I should really move away from swatting his panty covered bum with my hand and look towards paddling his bottom with my wooden hair brush.
Mind you the harder I spank that bottom of his the more excited that panty boy gets. Silly boy! Thinking he can hide that excitement from me when he is laid across my knee like that. You can’t hide anything from me. I can feel you wiggle and squirm against my thigh. Even can feel you tense up with anticipation on that next spank.
Much like I am sure you tensing up with anticipation on your next call as you try to find a new pair of panties to wear.
Well I am going to be around all night. I have a feeling my palm is going to be quite red by the end of the evening.