There are so many things running through my mind tonight that I cant even think straight for they are all making me reaching for my shaved pussy. I know that is rather teasing but can you expect anything less from your anything goes phone sex gfe.
Yes I know that probably doesnt help you decide on what your want to do with your wonderful time with me but honestly the joy of not having a set topic is our conversation can start out with a soft sensual masturbation fantasy and some how end up with me bound the bed and you fucking me rough and hard.
See how amazing that sounds?
Well I am delightfully content with a soft sensual role play if that is where your mind has been wandering or if you want to play rough and dirty then I am more than happy to go there too.
Anything goes with this kinky blonde.
So while I let my mind bounce around to a few different place I am gonna make sure my vibrator is ready for a fun night. Cant wait to talk to you and see where you want to take your anything goes phone sex gfe.
Kassidy 1-888-662-6482
curvykassidy aim/yim