You know, being a vastly superior woman is hard, hard work. Or y’know, if you’re me a vastly superior PRINCESS!
We have to deal with idiots, make sure the world keeps running, and still find time to some how take all of your money to make our lives better. The world would be better off if women could just live without you, I swear, but then the human race would die off. At least it would die happy for once, right?
I mean, women are not responsible for war, for instance. You never heard of a country ruled by a Queen that forced people to fight or live hungry. Because women are naturally superior rulers to men. That is what I tell every idiot man when they call for humiliation phone sex. He is a piece of shit, garbage, and the world would be better off if he wasn’t around. His only job should be licking the ground after we women walk on it!
Women are not and will never be prejudiced. Hell, women didn’t even come up with race or evil….I mean, where do you think the idea of “black” people and crime came from? Men. Stupid men, ruining it for the rest of us. That’s why I love doing racial humiliation, too, btw. I put everyone in their place, eventually.
Y’know what? We should throw you off our world with rockets and let the women rule in peace. But then, the human race would die off, I guess. Oh, well. At least you idiots can buy me dinner and good shoes. Which you absolutely need to be getting your asses on the phone to do RIGHT NOW.
Ask for Bree 1-888-662-6482