I have never been much of a sharer. I am very competitive and territorial most all the time. I think that is why I enjoy cock control phone sex so much. I truly believe that I own that cock and every drop of that cum. I need him to completely submit to my will. Every aspect of his life is under my authority. And so I want a well behaved and attentive man so I will train him to be that very thing. And if I do my job correctly you will do anything I want even before I tell you to.
So often when I begin my cock control regimen, I have to you down to your foundation in order to build you back up. No more masturbation unless I okay it. And I probably won’t. As a matter of fact, I will probably make you buy a cock cage and keep you locked up a great deal of the time. I want to keep you on edge and in pain so I will choose some great porno clips to tease and torture you with. I do love to hear you beg me for release. You can plead with me, promise me all sorts of things, gifts, money anything but I won’t let you cum. Nope, when you get close I will make you take your hand off your cock and let that cum retreat from the tip of the shaft right back into your blue swollen balls. It does make me giggle to hear the frustration in your voice and to know that you are legitimately crying and almost confused by this treatment. But you will learn. Maybe if you are really good, I might let you cum…one day. But don’t count on it. That is the beauty of cock control phone sex.
Call for cock control phone sex with Quinn at 1 888 662 6482
GMAIL: BustyCougarQuinn