So let me ask you an important question. When was the last time that you has some filthy fun with a coed phone sex slut like myself? I bet it has been far too long since you spent some time with a hot piece of ass like me. I mean, take a look at me. I am rocking some big tits with a tight body and a filthy mind. You know that my whole package is designed for maximum pleasure for both of us. I know a lot about fucking and I can learn anything you are willing to teach me. And I promise that I am a really quick study and I’ll be an expert in no time.
I bet you are more than due for some fun with a barely legal big titted chick who wants nothing more than to give you exactly what you want. Your wife or girlfriend probably gives you far too much shit and doesn’t fuck you nearly the way you need it, if at all. I will never say no to you. I want to help you explore any topic, role play fantasy or fetish that makes your cock twitch. I can do all sorts of things that you have only been fantasizing about. I am talking about the kind of naughty fun that you can only get from a horny, eager and very flexible college girl. Fucking is damn near a sport for me, too bad it isn’t in the Olympic yet or I would be sporting lots of gold medals. Yeah I want to be the Michael Phelps of sex. You should let me focus that energy on draining your balls in every way imaginable.
Call me at 1-888-662-6482 for the coed phone sex that your cock is craving.
Yahoo & GMAIL BustyCoedEliza