Perhaps this isnt a topic I blog very often but it is something that I do enjoy very much bisexual phone sex fantasies. Now before you ponder my sexuality which granted might be a touch fluid at times this is about your sexuality.
I mean isnt that why you are reaching for the phone today?
Your looking for that non judgmental voice to guide you into what it would be like to have a cock slip past your lips. You probably have tasted cum be it yours or from the pussy lips of your partner after she was out having a fun night. Granted you may not of known she was cheating on you but that first taste has got you wondering what if she brought him home?
Would you willingly drop down to fluff that cock for your love? Or would she be forcing your mouth upon that throbbing dick before you?
Yes so many questions that run through your mind and none of them really about your sexuality. So why even call it a bisexual phone sex call but yet we do. Dont worry sweetheart I will not label you for thats not what our time together is about. Its all about that cock and ease you into sucking it.
So how about you grab that phone dial 1-888-662-6482 ask for Porscha the one who will help you with your bisexual phone sex desires to suck some cock. I have lots of practice actually for I have gotten my bi curious husband to suck a cock or two for me.
Hmm perhaps I should of left that part out. Oh well its out there now. Much like your tongue will be.
Talk soon.