Barely Legal Phone Sex with Celeste

I am an expert at barely legal phone sex, as you are all aware. I am a tight Asian girl with the ideal figure for these kinds of calls. I was continually getting into trouble as an Asian girl, or perhaps trouble kept finding me! In any case, I consistently ended up in these awkward situations that I shouldn’t have been in. In what circumstances do you inquire? I won’t even begin to discuss it. “Watch your Asian girlfriend take big dick” is the only phrase that springs to mind in such a scenario. This is the beginning of one of my favorite sticky situations with barely legal phone sex.

Phone Sex

A older guy named John, who was likewise interested and had never attempted temperature play before, listened to my first story. By nature, I was more submissive, while John was undoubtedly more dominant. We passed a well-known candle shop one day when we were at the mall. It featured a variety of candles lining its shelves. When he finally gave in and bought the candle, I couldn’t help but become delighted like I was at a candy store because I myself adored candles.

When we arrived back to his house, I wasted no time in playing some soft and romantic music, dimming the lights, and lighting candles while he prepared the camera equipment. John was my sugar daddy, and he would frequently record us having sex, which was part of the agreement. Little did I realize I’d be an innocent Asian slut going through her first BDSM adventure. Once everything was set up, I obeyed John’s instructions to get on the bed and lie flat on my stomach. From the corner of my eye, I saw as he took a candle and positioned it above my body, beginning at the top of my back. The expectation was loud and, in my opinion, a little harsh. I wanted to beg and almost say, “Yes, please, sugar daddy.”. As he carefully poured wax down my back, my body reacted with each drop: I thrust my hips back, arched my back, and bit down on the bed sheet.

As he moved down to my booty, I became more aware of the drops. The wax poured down my inner thighs. I quivered every time he came close to my pussy. It wasn’t long before I couldn’t take the tease any longer, and it started to build up—a buildup I was used to when I was on the verge of reaching the big O. As I thrust my hips, I took a candle and carefully poured it over my breast, occasionally pouring it onto his chest. I realized why I couldn’t join in on all the pleasure. My eyes rolled back, and my body shook as I urged him to fuck me. He wildly grabbed my hair, smacked my ass, and splattered me with wax before I could finish speaking.

I suppose you’ll have to give me a call to find out what happens in my first BDSM adventure, but I can assure you that it will be the most amazing phone sex you’ve ever experienced! Call 1-888-662-6482 to have me all for yourself!

Phone Sex : Quality Phonesex Lines