Hi guys, have you had a woman that led you into being her cuckold? That was what I told poor B.when he asked what kind of man I was looking for. I let him know that I had a guy to please me but I wanted to a bitch to torment and make into my cuckold. He thought I was messing around but on our first date I made him see how was living in my world. The first time he dropped his pants I laughed, his penis was so small. I thought well his dick might be useless but I kind of expected that. I’m sure that his mouth has a use or three. It was all out in the open from that first night. You will watch me get fucked by a man with a real cock and you will eat his creampie out my beautiful pussy. He looked puzzled but said he wanted to be mine.
Now I love having creampie phone sex with you guys. Do you desire a woman that will make you into her cum eating pussy cleaner? Does your inferior cock get stiff when you imagine having a fucked pussy filled with hot cum pressed against your face as you’re sat on and used? I want to talk about all of the humiliating ways we would make sure you ate lots of creampies. Have you had a girlfriend or wife make you clean her up after she took another man’s load? If so I want to hear all about it and I will let you in on my creampie fantasies and realities too. Do you have a fantasy about a woman tricking you into eating a creampie? Call me for creampie phone sex and we will talk about every part of your cucking and creampie fantasies.