Well Phone Sex Freaks its Friday. Every so often I like to kick it up a notch with the Top 5 lists of phone sex Kinks and guess what I can do that. So today’s list is completely devoted to My favourite phone sex topic erotic hypnosis. I know what a shocker. So on with the hypno list.
#5 Phone sex role plays well with erotic hypnosis phone sex role plays are like playing a movie in your mind to some degree.
#4 Phone sex fantasies are much more in tense. When you are licking a pussy its like you can really taste! Interesting I know.
#3 Submissive Boys become more obedient. Lets just leave it at that shall we.
#2 Tease and Denial take on a whole new meaning when I am in control. LOL.
And the watching spinning for number one on the erotic hypnosis top 5 list.
#1 Guided Masturbation I will be guiding and directing you to new heights of orgasm bliss.
There we go a wicked phone sex top 5. So all I need now is a willing little freak craving to feel my control. Remember to truly enjoy erotic hypnosis it takes a minimum of a 30 minute session.
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