Hey boys! I am Bree, a new little Fetish Phone Sex Vixen here. I am hav’n so much fun here. The girls are super sexy. The guys super kinky. What more can I ask for? Just One Thing… More Batteries! For the phone silly. Gee.
So I had some lipgloss wanker. Ya he gets hard to watch’n girls put on lipgloss. So he had some kinky phone sex fantasy where I put it on Strawberry and was gonna like let him take it off but guess what? I lied. I do that some times. I got some black dudes to come tie him up. Cuz guess what? Chocolate and strawberries go way better together. Yum. Strawberry covered cock. Like wank to that dude.
Then there was a cum slut that was mak’n the rounds like whoa talk about well used when he got to this girl. Dudes ass was a gapping. I was like girl 7 who knows where that slut ended up. Who the hell cares? NOT I. Sluts are made to be used.
So Me and phonesex is such a perfect fit already. I get paid to talk to wankers an cum sluts.
Cum Get Twisted With Bree. 1*888*662*6482