RELIGIOUS HUMIATION PHONE SEX is what greeted ME on the darkest of nights. Knowing the icon he prays to holds no significant value in MY heart. However, I would not be satisfied till he was screaming blasphemous statements to what was once his oh mighty religious icon. For that is when I knew he was truly ready for the next step, sodomy.
The only one you need to know about for RELIGIOUS WORSHIP is ME, your EXTREME PHONE DOMINATRIX. To read more about ME and all the things that I am into you can find MY EXTREME PHONE SEX BIO here. I recommend reading the whole thing.
1-888-662-6482 Kneel when asking for ME
FetishDomina is MY aim and yahoo
Boot Worship Phone Sex
BOOT WORSHIP PHONE SEX is really what is on your PHONE MISTRESS’ mind tonight. I happen to get a fabulous pair of new leather boots the other day. Regardless of the weather boots are always in season, especially, in MY BDSM DUNGEON. The smell of leather is INTOXICATING but I don’t need to tell any boot slave that. How many times you have had your nose pressed to the ankle of a leather boot breathing in that new smell. Mind you the down fall to new boots is that they are clean. Many of the slaves that crawl into MY dungeon crave the filth and grime from the bottom of MY boots. Do not worry I have a room full of used boots that are in need of attention. Not to mention I have so many more plans than just using your mouth for cleaning purposes.
boot slaves to see whose boots you will be grovelling at read MY PHONE SEX BIO. For MY bio is where you will find out that I am an EXTREME PHONE MISTRESS.
1-888-662-6482 Kneel when asking for ME
FetishDomina is MY aim and yahoo, use wisely
Forced Intoxication Phone Sex
FORCED INTOXICATION PHONE SEX is how MISTRESS spent her evening. Listening to some worthless fuck up tell ME how he was making sissy drinks. Well by the time I was done with is pathetic ass he was mumbling something or other. How he was looking for some PHONE MISTRESS that would push him past his limits. I pushed those limits. Mind you listening to him mumble with every gulp was amusing. My amusement continued with the addition of party favors. your friends will tell you when to stop. Will try to prevent you from becoming a fool. I am NOT your friend. I am your PHONE DOMINATRIX. Stopping you will NOT cross MY mind. I look forward to you becoming a fool and HUMILIATING yourself for ME. Unfortunately, I am unable to say where this INTOXICATING PHONE SEX call ended up for somethings are considered TABOO and NASTY by blogging stand points but not MINE.
I am the EXTREME PHONE DOMINATRIX reading MY bio is recommended. Looking at MY pictures does not count as reading either. MY bio is where you will find out that I have NO LIMITS that I prefer the SICK, NASTY and EXTREME when it comes to BDSM PHONE SEX.
1 888 662 6482 Kneel when asking for ME
FetishDomina MY aim and yahoo, use wisely
Nasty Phone Sex
NASTY PHONE SEX.The witching hour brought ME a lowly pathetic servant that wished to be accepted at MY FETISH DUNGEON door. The phone submissive enlightened ME of how he was DEGRADING himself on a daily basis so that he was pathetic and lowly enough to call. Here is some news for him and all the other ingrates out there you are already weak and pathetic enough to call. However, if you feel the need to try and impress ME with your little assignments by all means try. he had rattled off all the FILTHY, NASTY, and DEGRADING things he had done. It was amusing but it was obvious he NEEDED a PHONE HUMILIATRIX. For I will ensure to HUMILIATE, DEGRADE and even TORTURE him beyond his darkest fantasies. I served up a few more assignments some of them HUMILIATING and some DEGRADING. It was interesting to hear him squirm over his bedtime snack which will be served warm.
As always I am an EXTREME PHONE MISTRESS. This means reading MY BDSM BIO will serve you will in deciding if you wish to enter MY FETISH DUNGEON. For once you enter there is NO turning back.
1-888-662-6482 Kneel when asking for ME.
FetishDomina is MY aim and yahoo use wisely
Forced Intoxication Phone Sex
FORCED INTOXICATION PHONE SEX. My NYE celebrations had Me thinking of some weak partiers that crave the control I take over them while they partake in some party favors. Really no matter what they take up their nose, inhale in their lungs or drink down their throat the results are all the same. It just makes you a weaker, more pathetic slave to Me. There is nothing like FORCING that next toke, snort, or drink in you. your friends would stop you at a certain point perhaps when you slur your words. Well let’s make one thing clear I am NOT your friend. I am your EXTREME PHONE MISTRESS that means I won’t be stopping you no matter how slurred your speech is. Thats where you start becoming more interesting to Me.
Now for those just running around My phone sex blog for the first time. Let me introduce Myself. I am a PHONE DOMINATRIX meaning I only find DOMINATION, MEDICAL FETISHES, EXTREME PHONE SEX interesting. Learn more about Me from My bio.
Goddess Shiva
1-888-662-6482 Kneel before Asking for Me
FetishDomina is My aim and yahoo use wisely
Torture Phone Sex
TORTURE PHONE SEX. Just typing those words you have no idea what it does to a PHONE MISTRESS. The thought of inflicting TORTURE that causes a pain slut to scream in agony. Any good pain slut knows that it is a thin line between pain and pleasure. How one more WHIPPING or CANING will induce an intense feeling that is near orgasmic. your MISTRESS knows this and I will use this to My advantage, which means so many things. That I will TORTURE you but just keep you from the euphoric state. Some call it cruel. For Me its an enjoyable way to spend the evening. DENYING you what you want the euphoria. Yet giving you what you yearn for the PAIN and TORTURE.
For many of you this is not the first time you read My words. So your familiar that I am an EXTREME DOMINATRIX to find out exactly the types BDSM of that I am into read MY PHONE SEX BIO. For TORTURING could very well be the start.
Goddess Shiva
1-888-662-6482 Kneel when asking for Me
FetishDomina is My aim and yahoo use wisely.
Racial Humiliation Phone Sex
RACIAL HUMILIATION PHONE SEX. monkey boy swung back for another dose of PHONE HUMILIATION from a pale skin GOTHIC MISTRESS. Really it comes so easy to Me to HUMILIATE a maggot so week. To pray on his weakness to suck the ultimate in dicks. Yes if you have been following My blogs, as one should, monkey boy is a dick sucker. That is what he climbs from the tree for. Swing down to talk to Me for I will force those cocks down his throat. Its the only thing those big baboon lips are good for.
Here is where you will find My PHONE SEX Bio. Highly recommended you read it and not just stare at my glorious photos. For reading My bio is how you will find out what type of FEMDOM I am.
Goddess Shiva
1-888-662-6482 Kneel when Dialing
FetishDomina is My aim and yahoo use wisely.
Orgasm Denial Phone Sex
ORGASM DENIAL PHONE SEX is what one pathetic submissive got when he called in for Me. It seemed he felt that the time it took for the call to connect to Me was time for him to stroke himself. Now I don’t remember in any of My blogs about DOMINATION PHONE SEX that the weak could nor should commence stroking while waiting for Myself to deem you worthy of hearing My voice. So what ever sick and twisted phone sex call he may of wanted was DENIED for this PHONE MISTRESS had to teach a very disobedient phone slave a lesson. Now when it comes to ORGASM DENIAL, I have all the patience in the world. I can DENY ORGASMS for hours especially when the pathetic is concerned. So I suggest you reconsider touching yourself.
Here is My Cheap Phone Sex Bio. where you will learn about Myself a very valuable read.
Goddess Shiva
Kneel before dialing 1-888-662-6482
My aim and yahoo are FetishDomina you have permission to contact Me for a quick Instant Message.
Strapon Phone Sex
Yes! It IS that time to make you realize that you ARE that ass fucking submissive. This of course requires you to assume the position. On your hands and knees like the worthless pet you are. Looking up at Me. What will your eyes focus on first? My incredible cock or will it be My stunning beauty? Make sure you answer correctly. For the wrong answer will have you paying dearly. STRAP ON PHONE SEX is on the beginning with MISTRESS, for I WILL have you begging for more subbie.
Remember to read My Cheap Phone Sex Bio. All of It!
Mistress Shiva, The Goddess of you Dark Fetishes
Kneel when Dialing 1-888-662-6482.
My aim and yahoo is FetishDomina use it wisely.
Domination Phone Sex
Kneel Now!
For when I, the PHONE MISTRESS Shiva, speak it is mandatory that you assume your pathetic position in this world.
A brief introduction to Myself.
I will allow you to call Me Goddess or Mistress they are both interchangeable. I will NOT tolerate being called a Princess. That gives Me visions of sweet things. Cotton candy and ruffled socks. Not My thing. My preference is chocolate truffles and stockings. Enjoy that tidbit Of information.
The other important point to make and for you to learn is that I am a PHONE DOMINATRIX which means this. My orifices have a do not enter sign for the weak and pathetic. This means you! I am a very sexual being but not with the useless.
Consider it your lucky day minion that I AM accepting new slaves into my fetish dungeon. But before jumping into servitude, I highly suggest reading My bio. All of it!
Goddess Shiva, Mistress of your Dark Fetishes
1-888-662-6482 Kneel while calling for Mistress.
My aim and yahoo is FetishDomina use it wisely.