I have officially masturbated on a plane. No, I do not know his name. Didn’t care. But stuck between two men in coach on a long flight, one a beautiful ebony god and the other some pudgy white businessman, I had two choices. Suffer in silence, or get the party started.
I can spot them a mile away, and white boy was definitely a cuckold. He liked being denied sex and you know what? I think just like I can tell them, they know me for being a heartless bitch, the kind they love to worship but never get. That’s the key to being a cuckold or cuckold phone sex. They never get the girl. Sometimes they never even come. Anyway, he almost outs himself to me while fiddling with his laptop. Meanwhile, the ebony god beside me is totally quiet.
Whitey wants to flirt, but what he really wants is tease and denial. So I really turn on the bitch. And once we all get our drinks and peanuts, I down my scotch and start opening the fly of the black man beside me. He doesn’t even flinch.
Whitey’s living his cuckold fantasy. I’m taunting him while jerking off a big black cock, one that is in such command of his life that he knows that a white chick giving him a handjob isn’t just natural, it’s his fucking birthright. He never even fucking looks at me, but he’s hard as a rock and his balls are full, like all black men.
Finally, before we land, he jizzes all over my hand . I clean him up and put him away. With a dollop of cum on my finger I tease Whitey once more time and pop the finger in his mouth. He sucks like the cum guzzler I took him for. The beautiful negro beside me never even looks at me, much less gives me his fucking number. I don’t care. Black cock should always come, it’s that simple. And Whitey?
Jizzed in his pants. Without my permission. So I ignored HIM. LOL
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