After a day of my feet being nestled in my warm fur line winter boots its wonderful to have them be free. Yes currently wiggling my toes as I write this. Now I will say the sensation of my bare feet rubbing in those warm boots did have some foot worship phone sex fantasies dancing through my head while I was waiting at an appointment this afternoon.
Come to think about it would of made my wait in their office more interesting if I had someone with a foot fetish there to pamper and worship my feet. Hmmm that could be a rather interesting foot worship fantasy all on its own sure a few of you would love the idea of showing how much you love your Mistress’ feet with some public worship?
Could start out harmless with you simply sitting beside me on the faux leather couch and tapping your lap like a good boy. Indicating your more than ready to have my soft feet up in your lap. Course being the tease I am there will be the slow removal of my mid calf white leather mukluk boots. Which up till that moment you loved how those tall boots look on me now your just finding them too much of a cock tease.
Oh then just when you think you cant bare it any more you see my pink heel playing peekaboo with you through that grey fur. Do I slip that foot back in or do I get on with the public foot worship?
Well like I said I am in the mood to tease so that is where I am gonna leave this foot fetish fantasy and give you the wonderful details on how to call me to continue this amazing idea for a foot worship phone sex fantasy. 1-888-662-6482 just ask for Savannah