Rain Rain Go Away!!!  That is my new theme song.  It has
been raining here almost non-stop for the last two weeks,
 and work at my house has ground to a halt……it would seem
electricians have a thing  about working on live wires during
severe thunderstorms……go figure……..but the rain is finally
coming to an end, so work work can begin anew.
I took advantage of not having to be here all day, though,
as I am not one to miss out on an opportunity for fun!  Some
friends of mine have a cabin on the lake, and we decided
the week would be better spent there than at home.
It was great!  We barbecued  on the covered porch, sat
late into the night drinking margarita’s watching the most
fantastic lightening shows, and engagaged in general, good
old fashioned debauchery once the lights went low and our
moods turned to more naughty pleasures……..you can fill
in the blanks there, lol.
I was still pretty randy when I got home…..it takes a LOT
to wear me out…..so I was delighted when I got home, and
my phone was ringing……..a lovely caller wanted  to  hear all
about my outrageous weekend……..so in a way, I got to not
only share my adventures, I got to relive them, too!  You
can’t get any  better than that!
Well, I have to run, the yard guy is here, and after all that
rain, I am thrilled to see him at my door!!