Well, as I have mentioned previously, I am having some work done on my house. It rained for the better part of last week, so that slowed down the deckbuilding, which in turn slowed down the landscaping. Today, however, was bright and sunny,so not only did I have contractors working on my new deck, I also had laborers digging up my back yard. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any louder or more chaotic around my place, the tile guy showed up. What a feast for the eyes and deluge on the ears……….I had tile saws buzzing, circular saws humming, nail guns popping, and all manner of sweaty, tanned men all over the place! As the work and noise reached a feverish crescendo, I was not sure if I was in Heaven or Hell, but one look at all the men their to do my bidding, looking so masculine and virile in their uniforms of jeans, workboots, and skin tight t-shirts and tank tops convinced me that life is indeed GOOD!
The wafting scent of all that masculinity, sweat sheened bodies, sinewy muscle, all working at my direction and pleasure was, to say the least, intoxicating. I should have work done on my house more often!
Todays end result consisted of a deck that is almost built, plantings that are nestled safely in the soil, a beautiful new floor in my kitchen, and a raging desire for the charms of a man who is ready to do some planting and pounding of MY fertile fields! I am in the mood for some fun, and if you are too, give me a call at 1-888-MOAN-4-U2, and let’s see what kind of games we can play……………………..I am thinking sexy construction worker and horny lady of the house, how about you?
Take a look at my pics at www.thekittenranch.com and then give me a call. Be over 21!! All calls billed $1.99 per minute, with a 10 minute minimum, and will oh so discretely appear on your statement as DBMG Technologies.
I am waiting, and I am VERY ready!