So I was out at a little restaurant down the street from my place the other day. Just grabbin a quick bite to eat. One of those places with the big old comfy booths. So a friend and I were havin a chat. Only like us girls can. When these two losers are seated behind us. Now. Men must not have the capablitly to think. Oh wait what am I saying. Men + thinking do those things even go together. These dudes. Start talking about their weekend of fun. How many chicks they got with. Now I have come to learn that when men feel the need to tell each other this news it means they got F ~ all. And what made it even more humorist was the fact they had to announce it to most of the restaurant. I just looked at my friend and said one is a classic panty wearer. He hasn’t been laid in months if not years. Panty boy would do anything to get in my dirty laundry. And the other is well A cuckold little biotch. Given the chance would watch me get screwed by a real man. And I made a point of saying it loud enough so that those two dickwads could hear it and to make matters even more interesting said it while looking at one of them. Boy did he turn red. My guess is he was wearing panties right then and there.

So would you be the Panty Boy looking for Panty Boy Phone Sex or the Classic Cuckold Phone Sex desiring to clean my cum filled panties? Well you better phone and tell Me. You wouldn’t want me to out you in public like I did those dudes. Think of the humiliation! LMFAO!!!!!
Spankings Savannah*
1*888*662*6482Â Beg 4 Savannah