Hey Guys!

When people learn that I do phonesex on the side they are often suprised. I’m a decorator with my own thriving little business and I have a college degree. The first thing they always ask is “what’s the money like, it must be good???” Well, I was brought up to believe that discussing money like that, mainly pay is rude so I generally flirt my way out of that question by saying something like “Look at me, don’t you think its just about priceless to have the chance to have phonesex with me.” ~Winks~ Then the next thing they ask is “You must hear alot of crazy things, whats the wildest thing you have ever heard on a phonsex call?”…My reply is always the same…nothing shocks me so it’s very hard to say because I’m very into the different expressions of sexuality there are in life. Now is the point inthe conversation where the questions differ. Women always ask me if they can get into it and how I did and men always find a way to ask if I really get off during my calls! I tell you this so you know I’m a phonesex girl who is open, willing and able to hear your secrets. You can confide in me about any desire. And I also share this with you so you know that I adore phonesex, its a fun thing for me. When I’m horny I’m here and I play. You’ll never dial me and find me not in the mood because if I’m available I already am horny and ready to play with you. Phonesex is not a “job” for me, its a great pleasure and rewarding not only is orgasms and fufilled fantasies but also in connections and conversation. That said…let’s play now, lets get off in out phonsex fantasy world and pleasure eachother!