Hello class! Oh my, I leave the room for just a few minutes and now this? What have you done now? I see I can not turn my back on you. Not even for one moment and already you have your dick stuck! How in the world did you get it stuck there of all places? I say you are just an eager bastard! Didn’t anyone warn you. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. We even had a how to class on this! We discussed sex toys and guided masturbation phone sex. I imagine you weren’t paying attention, were you? Well then, come here & let me get that fake pussy off of your dick. Next time, use lubricant. It will slide in and out much easier. I understand that you want a tight hole to fuck. Come to think of it, better yet, just fuck your Professor next time. At least then, you have the opportunity to earn a bit of extra credit! Besides, it is more exciting to fuck your Professor. My hole is tighter and so much warmer than that silly blow up thing! Really? What were you thinking?You know I would be happy to fuck you anytime and anywhere! However, as your Professor, I must discipline you for a stunt like this. You will have to oblige with anything your Professor wants. After all, I am certain you would not like your grade to suffer because of your naughty antics in my classroom! Perhaps, I should make you write on the board while completely naked and exposed. Of course, you may get some chalk dust on your dick. I think I’ll have you write the following: I will not get my dick stuck in places is does not belong. In fact, I think that due to your behavior, the entire class will be taking a quiz tomorrow on erotic sex toys, how to use them properly, and guided masturbation phone sex! It will be much harder than the first one I gave. Class dismissed!
1 888 662 6482 and ask for Professor Brigitte for guided masturbation phone sex
AIM and Yahoo: badteacherbrigitte