OMG this is an excerpt from my AOL Instant Messenger:
Loser: Hi Lucy
LucysDelights: hello
Loser: I am looking for small penis humiliation
LucysDelights: cool deal
LucysDelights: 1-888-662-6482
LucysDelights: $1.99 per minute with a 10 minute min
LucysDelights:: dial up shrimp dick
Loser: you available now?
LucysDelights: yes
Loser: ok can i send you a pic too?
he sends me the pic of his little dick to lucy@phonesexsuperstars.com and i get his small penis humiliation phone sex call.
sph fetish calls are alotta fun for me, i really get to be my mean normal self. take out all of my verbal frustrations out on someone who is so deserving of being the joke that proves God has a sense of humor! So loser shrimp dick is one of those guys that a girl like me would think has potential ya know, he is 6 ft tall and has the appearance of someone who has potential. but sadly as we always find out, completely does not.

how many of you guys are out there. seriously we just need to stamp your forehead with the word DISAPPOINTMENT in bright red ink. cuz i know there are more losers out there like you, appearing seemingly normal but alas nope. call me to be reminded of what a loser you really are, believe me you will become addicted to my laugh and my sexy voice, sad how my sexy phone sex voice is used to make fun of your short comings and not for whispering sweet nothings!
AIM: lucysdelights YIM: lucy.delight
email: lucy@phonesexsuperstars.com
Phone Sex Bio
Phone Sex Blog
Lucy your phone sex girlfriend has so many sides to her you won’t believe the kind of fun you will have her.
She is playful, seductive, mesmerizing and addictive. She plays well with others so don’t forget her when requesting a 2 girl phone sex call. She can equally play both sides, that is what makes her a wonderful sensual switch, she loves the torment she gives to her subbies and phone sex slaves, but she is always a willing participant to be on the receiving end of the same.