Heyas to all my
phonesex boyfriends and to all the
loser phonesex boys that are wanking to my page! *giggleS*
1. Hands OFF those dicks boys, cuz I got a story to tell. *giggleS*
2. I had a super awesome and totally random 2-girl phonesex call today, which rocked my dirty socks off and made me giggleS with super excitement!
What kind of kinky phone sex call you ask? *giggleS*
Well this 2-girl phonesex call was a 2-girl humiliation phonesex call with Ms. Bella! She is so hot and together we are one super Bratty Princess bomb ready to explode all over you loser phonesex piggie ass!

So this guy called Bella and I up looking for 2 Bratty Princess phonesex girls to help him pull a prank on his friend (don’t worry you can pretend you are pulling a prank too if you are afraid to admit you are really into humiliation phonesex. LoLz). . . Well this loser phonesex caller was:
1. hung the FUCK over from the previous night. LoLz
2. was dressed up like a SISSY BOY
3. Wearing a Diaper, like a SISSY BABY!!!!
4. Handcuffed by one wrist to the steering wheel of his truck in the middle of nowhere
Okay. . So now that I can type after laughing so hard again. . .*giggleS*. . . So bascially Bella and I just laughed as this loser for being a fucking SISSY BABY! LOLz. What kind of loser is dressed up like a sissy baby? Well anyway…. In order to get the key to unlock his handcuffs, loser phonesex boy was forced to *giggleS* well. . . Do something RATHER humiliating for a grown loser in a diaper. LoLz.
Anyway. . .If you are a sissy boy, sissy baby or loser phonesex boy (or anything in between lolz) and are looking for some serious humiliation phonesex from 2 Bratty Princess phone sex Goddess’s, then you should look no further and pick up the phone.
Anxiously waiting for the verbal abuse that I will hand out to all the loser’s during our loser phonesex sessions and humiliation phone sex. . .
AIM/YAHOO: CuddleBugChloe