Taboo Phonesex MILF

Hello Honey, It’s Diane, and this phonesex MILF is ready to get it on with you. Oh yes Honey, experience is a great thing and I have lots of it 😉


See now I have four sons of my own. Oh the taboo tales I could tell you! Just think of this no taboos phonesex mommy molding her three boys (and their friends too) into men…Yes, let those minds go straight to the gutter. That’s where mine always is anyway! What kind of slutty phonesex MILF would I be if I was not always thinking and acting dirty and nasty?

I love your taboo mommy roleplay phonesex fantasies. Hell, I love any taboo phonesex fantasy you have got. If if makes you cum then I’ll talk about it! No limits, anything goes with me, Dirty MILF Diane…the kinkiest phonesex MILF you’ll ever CUM across 😉

Talk to you soon.

Phonesex MILF Diane


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