I swear over the holidays I have lost more panties than.. Not quite sure but a lot of panties. Went home for Christmas came back and was unpacking boom missing panties. Can only imagine who took those. Then I was doing laundry in the apartment laundry and I am sitting here folding and stuff. Yup! Down some more panties. So there is a panty thief in the apartment building. Was telling my girlfriend in the building to watch out when doing laundry. Her response oh if I find them I will bring them to you. Umm no thanks. Those panties are lost for good. If found don’t bring to me. I have no idea what a panty pervert has done with them. Ewwww! That is just so wrong. Did she honestly think I would put those panty over my teen ass again. Complete N-O on that one! I do enough panty sniffing phone sex calls to know that some taboo stuff happens to stolen panties.
Anyone steal some panties over the weekend? Hey wait maybe the guy who stole my panties are reading this and wants to tell me what he is doing to my pink heart cotton panties. Actually maybe not!
Call 1-888-662-6482 for a panty stealing phone sex with Rachelle
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