Mommy Morgan had a very nice long call with Babykins.
Lots of fun with some diaper games. Loved talking to Babykins in baby talk. Played some baby games, like peek-a-boo with the cloth diapers. Loved pinching my sissy baby on her thighs and making her diaper extra thick and extra absorbent. My abie is an extreme diaper lover. Mommy phone sex is always special, and extra special when abies tell their mommies just what they need.
It is amusing to see my sissy abie waddle in her super thick soaking diapers, all stinky and squishy. I know that my Babykins loves to feel all the wet and squishy cloth diaper on her tushy. The thick wet diaper just makes that rubber panty really expand under her pretty adult baby dresses. We played some other taboo phone sex adult baby games, but my sweet darlings, I can not talk about all of them here. No sorry abies, no I can not.
Sweet Wetsy Babykins I will talk to you soon, and we can mommy roleplay again, very soon. Oh yes my darling, very soon. Mommy loves you!! Oh yes she does, cootchie cootchie coo, I love my Babykins, yes I do! Read my Phone Sex Blog here.
Morgan 1-888-662-6482
AIM and YIM: MorganMilf
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