Cum to Mommy Adrienne Phone Sex

Here's looking at you

Crawl into my lap and snuggle against me. Lay your head on my chest and let me rock you. Cranky? You shouldn’t be. Mommy is going to take really good care of you. I’m going to show you my secret for calming you down and making sure you sleep through the night.

First, I have to make sure you are fed. Of course, being old fashioned, I don’t believe in bottles and formula. 😉 Then I change you and make sure you are fresh and clean. When I put you to bed, just as the lights go out, the real fun begins and you will have very happy dreams.

Adrienne@ or

Yahoo and AOL IM:AdrienneSexyGFE

Two Girl Phone Sex

Hi Guys
A hot two girl phone sex call what a way to start my Monday evening. Sweet K messaged me and asked me if I was up for a kinky phone sex threesome. Now I really didn’t have to think too hard, cause the girls here at PhoneSexSuperStars are just so hot and sexy. I am sure you would agree with me. I mean the choices are amazing blonde, brunette, red heads, small tits, big tits, young or old. Man the list just goes on and on. What ever your wildest fantasy is a two girl call will make it wilder and kinkier. I know myself and anyone of the other taboo girlfriends here are always up for a two girl call.
You Kinky Phone Girl, Kassi ~ xox
888 662 6482 Just ask 4 Kassidy
curvykassidy is my aim and yahoo

panty sniffer phone sex

my panty drawer was invaded. well my panty drawer and my dirty panty pile. i found J sitting on the floor grabbing my panties and sniffing them ewwwww. thats so nasty. even when i walked in on him he wouldnt stop. i think he was licking them too. icky. how gross an nasty to lick the panties that covered my sweet coed pussy. he was a nasty dirty old man that was sniffing my panties. i know being so disguisted by j made his dick super hard on our phone sex call.
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Dirty Phone Sex Fantasies

Hello Phone Sex Freaks

There is nothing like when a guy calls up for a little phone sex fantasy but it seems that a few of you are very reluctant to tell me your dirty fantasies. There is nothing like it to confess your secret desires to a hot phone sex vixen. For when you confess your desires that is when the true heat happens on the phone. The erotism turns up when I know what buttons to push. And I do love to push those nasty taboo buttons.
One guy stuttered out his secret desire to eat his own cum. The minute he told me I knew his mouth was salivating for that warm sticky treat. And yes when he came I didn’t have to force his gooey fingers in his mouth. Are you surprised? I’m not! All I heard for the last 10 minutes of our call was the sound of some finger licking good moaning.
Spankings Savannah*
1-888-662-6482 Beg 4 Savannah

Humiliation Phone Sex

hey cumstains
nothing but fucking wanking perverts calling my phone. Princess please let me fuck your pussy. ya right. ur lucky I haven’t told ya to stop stroking yet. the only thing ur dick is seeing is the inside of ur palm where loser dick belongs. this Princess’ Pussy was riding a massive dick while some wanker off at the foot of the bed spewing his cum on the floor. haha that what wanker j got for a phone sex call. ya ur first with this Fetish Princess but guess what it so wont be ur last cause u will be addicted to my humiliation of your wanker ass.
cum get twisted with Princess BREE 888 662 6482
aim/yim temptingbree

Humiliation Phone Sex

hey phone fuckers
so I have totally made some pathetic wanker wait on the edge for over 2 days for this blog to publicly humiliate him about our call. did ya really think this Princess would tell everyone right away about how you looked at my hot pics all day long then couldnt wait to get home to wanker ur cock. haha. that fucker thought 15 mins was enough time to jerk his cock it was but it wasnt enough time to enjoy the humiliating tease i gave him. the best part was him hiding in the bathroom while his wifey was down stairs. hahah. by the time we reached the 3rd 15 mins of humiliation he had gone down stairs with that shrimp dick of a hard on to grab a drink cause he was havin a special Fetish Princess cocktail. Cum n Coke. YUM! Now everyone knows that loser drinks up his own cum for this PRINCESS!
Cum Get Twisted with BREE 888.662.6482
aim/yim temptingbree

Auntie Phone Sex

Hello Boys.
Seems quite a few naughty boys have been phoning me for some taboo phone sex sessions. I have that face that reminds them of their sexy mommy, aunt, or even the hot neighbour next door.  Who do I remind you of? Lets explore those kinky fantasies you have been dreaming of. Perhaps its Auntie Porscha seducing you.
Book a Ride with Auntie Porscha 888.662.6482
aim yim plzmilfporscha

Humiliation Phone Sex

hey losers
i had a complete loser call me up wanting to fuck my sweet pussy. kay lets recap the important rule for this Fetish Princess. I DON’T FUCK LOSER DICK. But this fucker called again hoping just hoping I had changed my mind and would let his loser dick in my sweet pussy. Ya right. I got a better phone sex option. I will just tell ya how ur NOT good enough to get near my pussy. An just to be a bigger Bratty Princess I ain’t even gonna put a pic of my sexy bod in this sex blog. Dudes u can thank S for that. S even in a blog about u loser I won’t put a picture. O’ya thats how big a loser u are.
Cum Get Twisted with BREE 888-662-6482
aim/yim temptingbree

Phone Sex : Quality Phonesex Lines