Like that picture of my panty covered ass? Ya your not the only one that loves to look at pictures of girls ass covered by panties. This guy called me just drooling over that very picture. Could of been the fact he was wearing a similar pair or he wanted to wear mine. He was kind of mumbling about wear sexy panties. The phone sex tease started then cuz I had to tease him with my sexy panties.
I could tell you all the things I did to him but where is the fun in that? Especially when you can find out for yourself just how much of a panty tease I can be 🙂 So grab your favorite pair of panties and call. By the end of the phone sex call, you will be adding this panty tease to your thankful list 🙂
Coed Cock Tease Rachelle
aol: coedvxnrachelle